Unconditional Love
The Rose Love Healing Bath Set is created with a rose quartz crystal, for self-love and care. Pink is the colour of unconditional love. It is associated with the Divine Feminine energy within all of us. It is also associated with the heart chakra.
Many of us think doing something typical like taking a bath is what is meant by “self-love”. Which is perfect because that is what we are sharing with you now.
But it’s so much more than just having a bath. If we truly take the time to put all of the elements together, in the way they were designed, relaxing the body and using intention, imagine what we could create. And that’s the mission – becoming ultimate manifestors of our reality.
The thing is, so much of our time and energy is drained. Drained by our busy lifestyle, responsibilities, and all the weight we’re carrying around mentally and physically everyday. Isn’t it time to put down all that weight for a while and just spend some time on self-care?
Which brings me to meditation. Meditation is such a powerful tool in self-care. That’s what a healing bath truly is – it’s a meditation.
And if we’re not used to having baths, or being alone with ourselves, our minds are going to chit and chatter away the whole time we’re in the tub.
But if we sit there, and we allow everything to come out, we give it the time it needs to come up, to be felt, and to be released. All of the problems in our lives are because we haven’t really allowed ourselves to feel.
Feel the pain of things that have happened in our lives. To grieve loss, of all kinds. To feel the repercussions of trauma. To cry. Crying is a human experience because it allows for release. To connect with the inner child who just wants to feel loved. This is the hard work it involves to move forward. And heck, it’s painful. But it is part of the process. And the healing process is wonderful if we allow it to work for us.
This is how rose quartz teaches us unconditional love. To open the heart to compassion and forgiveness of self. To learn to love yourself beyond all that has happened to you.
You can use an affirmation as part of your healing bath and meditation experience. You can also use this affirmation to “activate” your crystal with intention. Choose an affirmation that you can feel, rather than something to recite. Intention is most powerful when it comes from your heart, your soul.
One interesting thing I’d like to add is something that came up in a conversation the other day. The question was asked as to why rose quartz is the most popular crystal available today.
And I think the answer lies in the meaning behind the crystal – unconditional love.
Mother Earth knew exactly what we needed as she raised her treasures to the surface so that we humans, could use them and raise our energetic vibration and consciousness with them.
Unconditional love, which is cultivated within first, is the energetic vibration of the New Earth, also known as Christ Consciousness.
When we’re able to become that vibration within, having compassion, empathy, forgiveness and love for ourselves, we emanate that into our realities and are able to have compassion, empathy, forgiveness and love for others. We become Creators, creating beautiful reflections of love in our realities.